FM Family Farm, LLC.
Cracking hunger through community farming - Providing nutrition through sustainable agriculture
Eggcelent options!
Weekly Egg Subscription - A Half Dozen eggs $2.75
Weekly Egg Subscription - One Dozen $4.75
Weekly Egg Subscription - Two Dozen $9.50
A Dozen Eggs (One Time Purchase) - $5.00
A Half Dozen Eggs (One Time Purchase) - $3.00
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Enjoy weekly posts about the farm expansion, all of our critters, and how we are working to help the community!
About Us!
When Khloe and I first started dating, I watched her eyes sparkle as I spoke about growing up on a farm in Michigan. It was clear that she had aspirations to own and operate a farm someday, and while I wasn’t sure I was crazy about farming again (having left it after my youth to pursue other interests), I happily wanted to support her in her dreams.
The story begins, as most do in Ashland, with a trip to L&M Fleet Supply, our local hardware, farm, and fleet store. While shopping, we turned the corner to the farm department, and in an instant our lives changed forever. Khloe sprinted to the baby chick tanks with a giddy enthusiasm that you typically only see in children on Christmas morning. As her eyes glimmered with adoring appreciation for all of the cute chicks and ducklings, I caught her attention and asked, “So how many are we getting?” In that moment, something clicked deep within Khloe as she realized that her dreams could be actualized.
We ultimately left the store empty handed that day, but the wheels were spinning in Khloe’s head! When we woke up the next morning, she rolled over and asked me what my plans were for the day. I looked back and smiled as I answered, “I think we need to determine how many you are getting,” and the rest is history and a matter of “Chicken Math” (a phenomenon in which you always wind up getting more chickens than originally planned!!!).
Since that early morning conversation on May 7th, 2023, we have continued down that same road. We now have 140 chickens, 8 ducks, 2 quail, and 2 miniature goats.
So, what do we do with all of those eggs? Well, Khloe and I have always wanted to support the community that we live in, so we have decided to donate eggs to the local food pantry. We do also sell eggs to contribute to the substantial costs associated with the farm, such as feed and bedding for the animals. So, if you are interested in purchasing locally grown sustainable and nutritious eggs . . . you have came to the right place! Your purchase helps us continue our effort to donate 30-40 dozen eggs a week to the local food bank!
So, what’s next? To be honest, it is hard to curb our enthusiasm when it comes to farm expansion. As we have grown, Khloe’s passion for farming has spread, and I have to admit, I enjoy the venture as well.
This year we will be adding one more miniature goat, and next year we will be getting miniature cows and many more birds! We hope to be a local producer of miniature cows, goats, birds, and eggs, sharing our love of farming with the local community. Please follow us on social media to stay in the loop and support us on our journey! If you are interested in making a trip to the farm to see the animals and pick your own eggs, you can send us a message to schedule an appointment.